Thursday, June 12, 2014

Introduction: About Joshua Shinar

Myself and Marius in C.A.R. building a remote relay
My name is Joshua Shinar and I'm an electrical engineer living in Banyo, Adamawa, Cameroon and formally Gamboula, Central African Republic, Africa. I grew up in the United States, went to Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) and graduated in 2002 with a BS in Electrical Engineering. I had the pleasure of working with Motorola for 3 years, then went off on my own starting 4 IT/cloud computing companies over the next 10 years. I was fortunate enough to have a buyer who wanted to buy all of them and consolidated them into one, now collectively known as Adopt Technologies. The companies were sold, my wife turned in her resignation to Mayo Clinic and we were free. We had been planning this for over 10 years now and we were ready.  We always wanted to work in the humanitarian sector and applied with the ECC to work in Central Africa. We had PLENTY of adventures but that's another blog ( This blog is focused on the engineering side of things here. I'm actually beginning this 2 years in, but better late than never. Hopefully those reading can use some of what I've learned to make Africa even a better place!

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